Tuesday, 11 March 2008

The Horror!!

I just don't know when to stop do I? I have no idea what came over me and made me run for publicity officer of Nottingham Malaysian Society. Why do I want to make myself suffer and run for the post in the first place? I'm not even good at being sociable.

I just spent the last 5 hours at the NMS AGM. It was intensed and heated. Members debating on why the outgoing committee couldn't have done a better job and previous committee members giving them a hard time about it. I do not understand how a society which is supposed to be fun, managed to turn out like a multi-national company which has to answer to all their shareholders. Stress.. Especially when there is a foreigner who is so passionate about the society till the point that he is willing to drop anything to be a committee member.

Anyway, back to my crazy moment. I gave my speech, while shaking and with a trembling voice, and tried unsuccessfully to answer questions that were directed to me. In the end, majority voted to reopen nominations for that particular post.

I would like to say that I am very very very relieved that I did not get the post. I do not know what I would do if i had actually got it. I, who am not good at socialising, being a publicity officer? You got to be kidding me..

I think I better stop looking for posts to run for as I think two rejections are enough to convince me that maybe being a committee member is not for me.


Anonymous said...

I am still going for posts although I rejected to become UKEC Welsh Rep last year.... =P

Hope I can get the Student-Staff Panel's Panel Sec position tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

Unknown said...

Good Luck Mrb!!

Anonymous said...

I dun see why u shouldnt tho'.... even if u didnt get the post, u'd already win half the war... by having the GUTS to stand out! despite the outcome... well done!! :D