Wednesday, 13 February 2008


In the 4th year 2nd semester we are required to do a research project. Either a 40 credit or 60 credit research module. If I choose to take a 60 credit one, there are many different topics for me to choose from. There are also research topics that can be done outside of this country. A couple in University of Sydney, a couple in Monash University, Melbourne, one in Auckland, NZ and quite a few that can be done in UNMC campus.

So many choices, so little time to decide as I need to return the form by 29th Feb. Help! Maybe I should choose one that can be done in Malaysia.. then can go home.. hmm... but not sure if we can actually do our research elsewhere other than UK.


Anonymous said...

hi. ruby here.
if im not mistaken, we cannot go overseas to do the project..(only the locals can). so i think its only those who are going that have to submit the form by 29th.

not too sure though. will be going to confirm this later.

Unknown said...

hey ruby... we can't do our project overseas... have to do it here..

Anonymous said...

Ouch! If can do it abroad that will be so awesome. I will surely be the first one to submit and get out of the UK!!!! =P

Anyway, we might have one and only one project that is associated with Uni of South Carolina here.. if I can get that it will be awesome. Don't mind the flight tix and all.

Unknown said...

Yea.. i was thinking of doing it elsewhere.. haha... oh well.. no dilemma for me anymore..