Thursday, 7 July 2011

A patient collapsed in the waiting room….

….. and our reactions are completely slow!!!

This was what happened:

Someone rang insistently at the bell and I had to shout for someone to go attend to the hatch. The pre-reg went and then came straight in and was on the phone. While I was checking a prescription, a tech came to me and asked, “who fainted outside?”

I went what??? and walked out and saw a pregnant lady slumped on the floor. Then I went back in and said, “someone has fainted outside.” and the prereg tells me she’s on the phone to emergency services.

Our nominated first aiders had really slow reactions. They only decided to walk out when I was actually near to the patient! Then they did their first-aidy things while I went to see why the pre-reg was on the phone for so long. The operator on the phone wanted to know whether the patient was conscious, how old she was, blah blah blah.

Turns out, she was told by the first aider to call 999, when the number to call should have been 2222. Another tech just went to dial 2222, and told them there was patient fainted at the waiting room and they just straight away sent a crash team.

So, I went back to work, but my two “hardworking” first aiders still lingered outside doing god-knows-what. Why would you still need first aiders when the crash team has arrived? Why crowd over the patient? At this point I was quite annoyed because I was the only one actually doing accuracy checking!!

Patient was fitting and retching. Doc wanted to know why patient came into hospital. So we rang the ward and they said, “oh.. don’t worry. She does this all the time. We’ll come and get her.”

Patient miraculously revived. No more fits…

Apparently, she does this all the time. Every time the ward tries to discharge her, she fakes it. What we were wondering is why she had an outpatient script if she was still an inpatient at the hospital… weird…


But between the bell ringing and the first aiders actually going to help… i think it took about 5 mins… hahahahahha.. which is slow considering the first aider is just 2 secs away.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Rainbows and puppy dogs? No.. it’s just grey skies and slimy slugs….

I don’t know what to do anymore….

Will be in another team in 2 weeks time. And will be sent far far away to some godforsaken place.

I hate this. I’ve been homesick for 2 weeks, and the day I decided to shake it off and be in a better mood, I get told that I’ll have to take a shuttle to the other hospital, then from there take a public bus to the godforsaken place. And it’s only for the morning… (He made it sound like that’s a good thing). 3 wards for just the morning. Then off back to the other hospital and another ward. Effectively giving me 4 wards to do. Great.

I should’ve just gone back after pre-reg. Why in the world did I decide to come here?

Thursday, 10 February 2011

My week

I’ve had quite a good week… well.. interesting more like…

Firstly, I had a patient who told me he doesn’t take opium anymore when I asked him what medicines he takes. Says it makes him sick. So I asked him if that’s why they stopped giving him opium.. LOL.. funny patients like that Open-mouthed smile

Next, I had a patient on theophylline already and doctors prescribed some aminophylline infusion!!!! Good thing the nurse came to ask me what the prescription said cause she couldn’t read it. Patient was tachycardic so I had no idea why the doctor wanted to give aminophylline infusion when there were no levels taken!

Then, I had to call someone up. The patient was a 1 yr old baby who used to have jerky movements (the medical term eludes me), and parents didn’t speak English. They only spoke Mandarin. They had given the baby some unknown powder and we had to find out what it was. So I called the dad up and asked him where he got it from. Apparently he got it from China from a well-known Chinese physician who treated a lot of cases similar to the baby’s. So they had been giving the baby some combination of pearl powder and unknown substances. Apparently it helped… cool… Well, I kept trying to think of how to say all the medical terms in mandarin… and I still have no idea how to!!

Yesterday, a doctor said I was her favourite pharmacist……


yea… life is great…